Robotic Joint Replacement Kansas City

Robotic Joint Replacement in Kansas City

Robotic Joint Replacement:

Everyone’s talking about it. Robotic-assisted surgery is the latest and greatest topic in joint replacements. Because of joint replacements (arthroplasties), patients experience pain relief from arthritis. In addition, it can restore mobility, function, and strength. In this surgery, the physician replaces the arthritic or damaged joint with metal and plastic prosthetics. The replacement mimics the natural shape and movement of a normal, healthy joint to provide pain relief and a better quality of life. The goal of the physicians through robotic joint replacement at Apex is to get you back to the activities that bring you joy. One example of this is robotics-assisted knee replacement.


Meet our robot.

The first total knee replacement occurred in 1968. Since then, surgical procedures and practices have been making great strides. Recently, technologies have advanced to allow for robotic-assisted total and partial knee replacements. Therefore, at Apex Orthopedics, Dr. Scott Abraham and Dr. Michael McCabe are paving the way to provide the best possible outcomes for their patients while using this new technology. The robot in use by Apex surgeons at both St. Joseph Medical Center and Overland Park Surgical Suites is called “The Navio”.

Robotic Joint Replacement
The Navio: for Robotic Joint Replacement

The term “robot” or “robotics” can be misleading. R2D2 will not perform your surgery. Rather, a better analogy for robotic joint replacement is a highly specialized and intelligent hammer. This “hammer” helps to guide our surgeons to the most precise implement size and placement based on your personal anatomy. You can think of it as a patient-specific approach to a knee replacement. That is to say, every patient is unique and deserves to have a replacement tailored to their specific anatomy.


what does it do?

The Navio system collects all data needed during the operation with a robotic tool. This means your surgeon is hands-on and performing the operation. Since the robot collects the data, patients are no longer responsible for the preoperative CT scan that some other systems require. Therefore, you save time and money and do not assume unnecessary risk due to radiation. Using the data collected, a 3D image of your knee is projected onto a screen. Thus, surgeons are able to determine the best fit for you. With this new technology, physicians can improve the precision and accuracy of your total or partial knee replacement. Increased accuracy can mean less pain post-operation, improve joint function, and provide longer lasting prosthetic joints.

All inpatient and outpatient total and partial knee replacements performed at St. Joseph Medical Center or Overland Park Surgical Suites use the Navio. There are no special qualification surgeries that must meet to use the Navio. However, our current joint replacement standards still apply to robotic joint replacement. These require patients to be nonsmoking, and have BMIs under 40. If diabetic, patients must establish a healthy pattern of blood sugar levels by Hgb A1C.


The robot is Cool, but Now what?

Call our office 913.319.7600 or schedule your consultation online for total or partial knee replacement.