Back Pain Specialist in Kansas City

How to Choose a Back Pain Specialist in Kansas City

Low back pain plagues many of us at some point in our life. This pain can negatively impact other aspects of life including athletics, job performance, and even activities of daily living. Whether your pain is new or chronic, Kansas City Orthopedic Alliance has highly skilled back pain specialists in Kansas City who are willing to work with you on treatment and pain management. 

Causes of low back pain

There are many different causes of low back pain. At Kansas City Orthopedic Alliance we pride ourselves on our diagnostic skills. With a proper diagnosis, therapies and interventions can be appropriately targeted for your specific pain, leading to a quicker recovery. Common causes of low back pain include: 

  • Facet joint arthritis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Sacroiliac joint arthritis
  • Disc irritation, tears, degeneration and bulging
  • Scoliosis
  • Hip problems (Yes! Surprisingly some patients’ low back pain is referred from the hip joint!)

How do we determine where your low back pain is originating? 

Many patients with low back pain continue to suffer unnecessarily without knowing the actual cause of their low back pain. When a patient visits our office, we will review any imaging you bring with you and/or take new x-rays. A skilled back pain specialist in Kansas City will then ask you questions regarding your symptoms, what aggravates/alleviates your symptoms, and whether you have attempted prior therapies. We will follow this with a thorough exam. After determining the cause of your pain, we can then discuss treatment options. 

How will my low back pain be treated?

There are several great treatment options for low back pain, ranging from conservative and holistic to more invasive and aggressive. It is important to note patients who have tried and failed other interventions in the past may benefit from a different treatment strategy.  Common methods to approaching low back pain include: 

  • Physical therapy and chiropractic care
  • More advanced imaging (MRI, CT scan, etc)
  • Epidural steroid injections
  • Medial Branch Blocks in planning for a Radiofrequency Ablation
  • Facet joint injections
  • Sacroiliac joint injections
  • Biologic injections including PRP
  • Facet cyst rupture
  • Hip joint injections 

How to choose a back pain specialist in Kansas City: Visit KCOA

The professional orthopedic specialists at KCOA are happy to discuss your low back pain concerns. For a thorough evaluation with Dr. Khadavi, call us at 913.319.7600 or schedule an appointment today. 

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