Hip Labral Repair in Kansas City

Hip Labral Repair

Unrivaled Hip Joint Repair Treatments.

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Understanding the Basics Behind Hip Labral Repair

What is Hip Labral Repair?

Many people of all walks of life struggle with hip pain. Labral tears, a common hip injury, occur when there is damage to the cartilage that surrounds the bony edge of the socket in the pelvis.

These tears can come from repeated use of the hip or a traumatic event like a fall or accident that causes the joint to twist.

The highly-trained orthopedic hip physicians at Kansas City Orthopedic Alliance have performed thousands of hip labral repairs in Kansas City. We have the expertise required to treat a variety of hip issues, both surgically and non-surgically. When you visit a specialist at KCOA, we focus on creating a treatment plan based on your specific conditions, symptoms, and recovery goals.

Choosing hip arthroscopy in Kansas City is a decision that typically involves guidance from your primary care doctor and orthopedic physician.

When you choose Kansas City Orthopedic Alliance, one of our highly trained orthopedic hip specialists will conduct an initial evaluation to better understand your condition. After a complete review of your results, your provider will then discuss the best treatment option for your specific hip condition.

Your First Appointment

Signs you may need hip labral repair include:

  • Pain in your groin while sitting or walking
  • Hip pain or tightness with physical activity/sports
  • Pain along the side of your thigh and/or buttocks
  • Inability to stand up normally
  • Swelling in your hip or groin
  • Difficulty laying on or sleeping on your hip

Kansas City Orthopedic Alliance hip Injuries Assessment

Assessing the Injury

Finding the right hip treatment in Kansas City starts with an assessment.

You can think of hip pain as a spectrum, with some instances being more severe than others. The KCOA orthopedic specialists always focus on each individual patient and their concerns before creating a treatment plan.

Therefore, during your initial appointment, we will often ask questions such as:

  • Does your pain currently limit you or your activities?
  • Has your pain progressed or worsened recently?
  • Have you experienced any locking in your hip or an inability to stand or walk normally?
  • Have you noticed any change in your symptoms that has made it more challenging to function?
  • What are your lifestyle goals?
  • How has pain affected those goals?


From there, we can decide which treatment option aligns best with your needs and lifestyle goals. After a proper assessment, we often begin with a physical examination to help determine the origin point of your pain. In some cases, advanced testing may be required for a full diagnosis.



Also called radiographs, an X-ray captures a picture of the hip. Orthopedic physicians may order an X-ray to rule out the possibility of a fracture (broken bone), osteoarthritis, or other hip-related conditions.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

MRI captures images of muscles, bones, intervertebral discs, and tendons to help provide information other tests can’t detail. During an MRI, you will lie on a table that slides into a tube-shaped scanner. The machine creates a magnetic field around you, using pulsed radio waves to form the MRI images.



Diagnostic Injection

A physician inserts a needle in the hip and injects medicine into the joint. In most cases, the provider uses a real-time X-ray (fluoroscopy) or ultrasound to see where to place the needle in the joint. If the shot does not relieve pain within a few days, then the hip joint may not be the source of hip pain.


Establishing a Care Plan

Based on the results of your interview, examination, and imaging studies, our experts develop a custom care plan catered specifically to you.

Many people believe it’s best to wait until pain becomes severe, leading them to “put off” or delay treatments.

If you are in constant discomfort, have shooting or stabbing pains, have limited range of motion, or an inability to perform your daily activities, hip arthroscopy may be right for you.

New technologies allow patients with hip pain to fully recover and enjoy the benefits of a more functional, pain-free lifestyle.

Our Process


Causes of Hip Pain

First, it is important to understand the anatomy of a hip joint. There are different types of joints in the body; the hip is a “ball-in-socket” joint. Just as the name suggests, a ball-in-socket joint consists of a ball-like structure that moves inside a depression in the bone to allow for rotational movements. In the hip, the ball-shaped head of your thigh bone (femur) that fits into the hip socket (acetabular socket) creates the joint.

Around the hip socket is a ring-shaped ligament called the labrum. This ligament has 3 main functions: Sealing the femoral head to keep fluids within the joint, helping stabilize the hip joint, and protecting the surrounding cartilage.

Treatment Alternatives

Non-Surgical Options

Oftentimes, patients choose hip arthroscopy or other surgical treatments after failing to see results from more conservative treatments. Kansas City Orthopedic Alliance physicians prefer non-surgical measures in most cases, and we usually only suggest surgical options after exhausting multiple less-invasive treatments. Non-surgical treatments for shoulder injuries include:

  • Physical Therapy – Movement can actually reduce pain and encourage healing in the hip, as movement increases circulation in the joint, supplying oxygen and other nutrients that support joint health and function.

  • Injections – Cortisone injections can help with inflammation, and the effects tend to last for 3 to 6 months before you might need another one. Many people manage their pain with injections and exercise.
  • Medications – At times, the pain becomes too much and hinders movement. In those instances, your doctor may recommend over-the-counter NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Advil) or prescription medications. Especially with NSAIDs, you should always talk to your doctor to ensure they are the right treatment for you. Side effects can include stomach irritation, ulcers, or even kidney damage. Reasonable dosing and monitoring can help alleviate those side effects.

  • Regenerative Medicines – Regenerative medicines like stem cell injections or platelet-rich plasma can help nourish worn or damaged tissue. This option works best if you have mild-to-moderate hip pain.

Turn to KCOA for hip labral repair in Kansas City.

Our care is personal. Our team is knowledgeable. And we’re more available than ever.

With access to board-certified specialists across Kansas City, we have the tools to meet almost every musculoskeletal condition.

Use our Symptom Tracker Tool to connect with the right KCOA physician for your unique needs—and get back to the things that matter most.

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Dr. Ting and his staff are the best!

Dr. Ting and his staff are the best! Sarah his nurse is kind and supportive. Dr. Tings nurse for surgery was absolutely the best! Dr. Ting, I have complete faith in. He is who I shall go to for anything he handles! Can’t say enough about him! Thank you all for making a scary time a completely peaceful event. You are the best!!

Valene Vanice