C. Lan Fotopoulos, MD
American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
American Board of Pain Medicine
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine
American Board of Family Practice – Sports Medicine
Dr. Fotopoulos is a interventional physiatrist specializing in the treatment of back and neck pain using minimally invasive procedures such as vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty, sacroplasty, radiofrequency ablation and spinal cord stimulators. He also treats a variety of other musculoskeletal conditions of the shoulder, hip and knee.
Areas of Specialty
Treats neck, back, hip, shoulder and knee pain
- Department of Anesthesiology – University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS
- Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation – University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS
Musculoskeletal Medicine, Sports and Spine Procedures, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Education / Doctor of Medicine
University of Missouri – Kansas City School of Medicine, Kansas City, MO
- North American Spine Society
- International Spinal Injection Society
- Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society
- International Board of Undersea Medicine, Inc.
- American Association of Professional Ringside Physicians
- American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Honors and Awards
- Chief Resident Kansas University Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
2001-2002 and 2002-2003 - Navy & Marine Corps Commendation Medal
- Combat Action – awarded for operation “NOBLE ANVIL”
- Physician’s Recognition Award from the AMA
- Expert Rating Rifle and Pistol
- Police Academy Cadet – Academic Award, Class President
- Eagle Scout – Vigil Honor Order of the Arrow
- Voted “Kansas City Top Doctor” 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011
- Voted “Kansas City Super Doc” 2007, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017,2018
Professional Roles
Interventional Physiatrist: Dickson-Diveley Midwest Orthopaedic Clinic
September 2004 – Present
Emergency Room Physician: Locum Tenens – EPA
April 2003 through June 2003
Emergency Room Physician: Locum Tenens – ECS
April 2000 through June 2003
Diving Officer: United States Navy
April 1997 through June 2000
Emergency Room Physician: Locum Tenens – Physician Staffing Resources
November 1996 through April 1997
Emergency Room Physician: Locum Tenens – Spectrum Emergency Services
February 1994 through April 1997

More About Dr. Fotopoulos
With a background as a diver in the U.S. Navy, he also has expertise and certification in hyperbaric and diving medicine.
Dr. Fotopoulos’ experience also includes: Team Physician, Kansas City Explorers; Previous Team Physician, Kansas City Royals; and Boxing and Mixed Martial Arts Physician for the state of Missouri. In addition to experience with United States Naval special operations forces, Dr. Fotopoulos also has experience with law enforcement.
Some of the procedures performed include epidural steroid injections, radiofrequency ablation for spine as well as peripheral joint and knee issues, sympathetic nerve blocks, spinal cord stimulation, minimally invasive treatments for spinal stenosis including the MILD procedure and the VertiFlex Procedure. He also performs vertebral augmentation in the form of vertebroplasty, kyphoplasty and the latest SpineJack procedure. Other procedures include percutaneous fusion of the sacroiliac joint and the new Intracept procedure for the treatment of chronic back pain.
Groin Pain in a Wrestler
Fotopoulos CL, Prather H, Clohisy J.
Medicine and Science In Sports and Exercise. May 2004, Volume 36, Number 5. Pg. S105-S106. Presented at the ACSM June 2004.
Spinal Cord Injury Secondary to Decompression Sickness: A Case Report
Fotopoulos CL, Varghese G
Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, September 2001, Volume 82, Number 9. Presented at the AAPM&R Academy meeting in 2001
Heterotopic Ossification and Early, Limited Ulnar Deroofing
Fotopoulos CL, McCarten N, Varghese G
Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, November 2002. Presented at the AAPM&R Academy meeting in 2002.
Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia Caused by Cryptococcus Neoformans
Carey CF, Mueller L, Fotopoulos CL, Dall L
Accepted for Publication by Reviews of Infectious Disease.
Diving Medicine and Fitness for Diving
Fotopoulos CL, Oberman JP, Lynott JA
Patient Care,July 15, Volume 34, Number 13.
Spinal Cord Stimulation for the treatment of Radicular Pain in a T11 Paraplegic
Santos F. Fotopoulos CL
Accepted for Publication 02/08.
Featured Article November 2022- Healthy Kansas City, Is Painful diabetic neuropathy getting on your nerves? by Ann Butenas
Featured Article February 2006 “M.D. News – Kansas City Bi-State Edition
Care Under Fire
Fotopoulos CL
Kansas State Rife Association Magazine. 3 issue series.
Monthly contributor to the International Spine and Pain Newsletter.