ankle sprain in kansas city

Ankle Sprain Treatment

Did you know an ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries treated by the Foot and ankle specialists at Kansas City Orthopedic Alliance?

An ankle sprain can happen because a variety of activities, some as simple as stepping in a pothole, running on uneven ground, or landing from a jump. Both young and old alike can suffer from the incidental twisting or rolling of an ankle.

So what happens when you sprain your ankle?

When you sprain an ankle, the ligaments of the ankle are injured. These ligaments are the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) and the calcaneal fibular ligament (CFL). In the case of an injured CFL, you will likely experience pain on the outside of the ankle, bruising, swelling, and possibly an inability to bear weight. If you’ve injured the deltoid ligament, all the previously stated symptoms apply in addition to pain on the inside of the ankle.

How can you know if you have an ankle sprain?

First, schedule an appointment with one of our top-rated physicians. At the appointment, we will take an X-ray to rule out any fractures. The physician will perform a physical examination of your ankle to determine the severity of the ankle sprain. If symptoms continue to persist after treatment, then we may take an MRI to check for other issues.

ankle sprain in Kansas City


What are treatment options for an ankle sprain in Kansas City?

Treatment of ankle sprains usually consists of conservative care including a brace, anti-inflammatories, and ice. Patients may wear a boot or lace-up ankle brace (ASO brace) for a few weeks. This precaution stabilizes the ankle while walking. Because a sprain may require limiting activity, it’s better to check with your sports medicine doctor if you think you may have sprained your ankle. Once the pain and swelling have decreased, you may start physical therapy. This works on the range of motion and strengthening of the ankle to prevent recurring injuries.

What happens if I keep experiencing ankle sprains?

If you continue experiencing ankle sprains, you will want to schedule an appointment with Dr. Matthew Kneidel, our foot and ankle specialist. You may have developed chronic ankle instability. With chronic ankle instability, the best treatment option is surgery. After surgery, you should stay off your feet for six weeks. After this healing time, you would then move from a cast to a brace and begin physical therapy.